In the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd by a police officer in Minneapolis, the current moment in the United States has been described as, A Pandemic Within a Pandemic. To speak to the recent tragic events and future solutions, this livestream hosts a panel discussion with Michael Lawson, President & CEO of the Los Angeles chapter of the National Urban League, Helen Torres, President & CEO of Hispanas Organized for Political Equality (HOPE) and Charlie Woo, Co-Founder and CEO of Center for Asians United for Self Empowerment (CAUSE).
The conversation addresses the current national conversation on racism, police brutality, and criminal justice reform. It also touches upon the larger systemic US racial inequality illuminated particularly by the COVID-19 pandemic and poses future-oriented solutions for both citizens and leaders.
Learn more about our program partners: - Los Angeles Urban League: - Hispanas Organized for Political Equality (HOPE): - Center for Asian Americans United for Self Empowerment:
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